Newcastle Meditation Group

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Introduction to the Group

Our weekly evening meetings usually follow the same format. We start at 7.00pm with a short service consisting of an incense offering and a scripture recitation. We then meditate for twenty minutes, followed by five minutes of walking meditation, then do a further twenty minutes of meditation. This takes us to about 8.00pm, when we get together to chat, and finish for 9.00pm.

Once every two or three months we have a Saturday day retreat with the Teesside and Gainford groups and a monk from Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey. In addition group members regularly visit Throssel for festival days as well as longer retreats. Transport to Throssel can be shared.

Meeting Times and Location

We meet 7pm - 9pm each Wednesday night in Jesmond Library, on St George's Terrace, West Jesmond close to Acorn Road. See the map to the left.

We meet in the upstairs meeting room at the back of the Library, but if you come through the front doors someone will point you in the right direction. The library is within easy walking distance of West Jesmond metro station, and Osborne Road which is well served by buses. There's also free parking in the streets around in the evening, although you would need to take note of the permit parking restrictions and park carefully. Please arrive before 7pm as we need to lock the main front doors before we start.

Contact Details

If you have any questions about the group then please get in touch. If you would like to join us but have not done Zazen meditation before then we recommend you contact us before your first visit so that meditation instruction can be arranged.

If you have been before, or meditated at Throssel Hole or another OBC group then please feel welcome to join us at any time.

Email Steve :